Postal agency

Postal agency on Heessen market square is closed

Dietmar Wolf, known for stringing tennis rackets for stars such as Boris Becker, has closed his store with postal agency and tennis studio on Heessener Marktplatz at the end of June 2024. In future, he will be offering his tennis services under the name TENNIS WOLF from his private premises two doors down in the usualhigh quality.

In September, REIMEDIA GmbH, which is based in the same building, will take over the store in addition to the second floor in order to provide advice on all of the Medienmanufaktur's products and offer a contact point. The expansion will also provide more space on the second floor for the digital agency and software developers.

Wolf opened his store at the start of the tennis boom and later strung the rackets of tennis greats such as Edberg, Sampras, Agassi and Stich. He closed the doors of his store on Amtsstrasse for good on June 26.

Wolf began his career in Manfred Simshäuser's sports store and took over his own business in 1986. With certificates from Babolat, he specialized in stringing tennis rackets. Babolat also brought him to tournaments, where he strung rackets for the stars.

Wolf had particularly close ties to Boris Becker, whom he looked after during tournaments. Players such as Pete Sampras and Henri Leconte were also among his clients.

Away from the international tennis stage, Wolf was involved in local tennis. He was youth coach and sports director of various clubs in Hamm.

The decline of the tennis boom led to the downsizing of his business. Nevertheless, Wolf remained active as "Tennis Wolf" and will continue to string and sell tennis accessories from his home. To say goodbye, there will be a waffle sale in front of the store on Wednesday, the proceeds of which will go to the Christian Hospice.

There is currently no successor for the Post-Agentur. Deutsche Post AG is working hard to find a suitable partner and will operate a branch itself in the other case.


Photo © cat027, AdobeStock

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