Register basic entry


Request a free catalog entry,
or have an existing entry changed

All Heessen doctors, leisure providers, companies, clubs and organizations can present themselves free of charge at You can be searched for and found by interested parties using a category or area search.

Please use the following form to apply for a free entry or to change an existing entry. We will take care of the registration and modification.

    Yes, I do!

    Please publish the following information free of charge at

    I am also interested in:

    Premium entry for a premium entry for the publication of further informationAdvertising banner the placement of an advertising banner to promote my offersWeb design the (re)design of my website as the basis for my online presenceGoogle Ads a Google Ads campaign to increase my online successApp development the programming of a smartphone app including publication in the storesPrinted matter the design and printing of business stationery and advertisingConsulting a general online and media consultancy, all about AI, Google, social media & Co.

    and would ask you to send us the relevant information free of charge and without obligation.

    Contact person

    This data is only required for communication purposes and is not published.

    The e-mail address must contain your domain. We will send a registration e-mail to this e-mail address, which you must confirm to verify the e-mail address.

    Note: After receiving your request, we will publish it free of charge at There is no entitlement to publication. You can make changes to the entry and cancel it at any time and free of charge by sending an e-mail to

    Free Basic entry

    • Company/Name
    • Address incl. map marker
    • 1 Category
    • Phone number (on detail page)
    • Web address (on detail page)
    • Founding date (on detail page)
    • free installation and publication
    • Free changes by e-mail

    Extended Plus entry

    • Information about the free basic entry
    • E-mail and fax number
    • Social media links
    • Company portrait up to 1 DIN A4 page
    • 1 logo and 4 photos
    • Opening hours
    • 3 categories
    • 6 Keywords
    • Telephone number (also on overview)
    • Web address (also on overview)
    • Founding date (on detail page)
    • under €10 per month
    • Free changes by e-mail and telephone