Illustration of a garden in spring

Anniversary of the allotment garden site Gartenstadt

The Gartenstadt allotment garden association celebrates its 50th anniversary. On September 7, 1974, the plots on Veistraße were raffled off, with interested parties meeting in the Kappenbusch restaurant.

The company was founded in March 1974 following approval by the town of Heessen. At that time, the site was still a field and a high-voltage power line prevented residential development.

The ground-breaking ceremony took place on September 14, 1974, and construction of the water pipes began in October. The first foundation was poured on March 1, 1975. The gazebos were equipped in different ways, some initially without toilets. The last gazebo was completed in June 1980.

Founding members such as Werner and Waltraud Kersjes remember the early days. Waltraud still makes juice and jam from her own fruit today. A playground was added to the site in 1975, as many of the tenants had children.

The 37 plots were mainly allocated to Heessen residents, with the exception of the Kersjes from Bockum-Hövel. In the first three years, the members put in 8,000 hours of work. The community was strong, and in 1978 planning began for a clubhouse, which was built in 1981.

The clubhouse became the center for parties and meetings, but interest in it has waned. Today, all the plots are occupied and the interest in peace and leisure in one's own garden prevails.



Photo © GabiWolf, AdobeStock

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