Reach people in Heessen at low cost with the new print-online advertising combo presents the district positively both internally and externally. People from Heessen, friends and visitors can find out online about the nearest doctor's surgery or restaurants. The leisure guide presents leisure activities and club offers and the calendar of events shows that there is always something going on in Heessen.

Retailers, service providers, craftsmen, doctors, restaurateurs and entrepreneurs, who count all Heessen residents in particular among their customers, can reach precisely this target group particularly well with - and not only via the portal

Today, the operator, REIMEDIA GmbH, based at Amtsstraße 25a, presented the new media data. From now on, advertising presence will always take place in online and print media - as a digital-print combination. And at a particularly attractive price.

This means that an advertiser who books a half-page ad in the quarterly magazine can also reach their target group for three months via the district portal using the advertising banners included in the combination. The costs for an annual booking are the equivalent of €1.25 net per day or €37.50 per month.

The print magazines are published quarterly at the beginning of March, June, September and December with a print run of at least 2,500 copies, which are available to take away free of charge at around 80 distribution points in Heessen.

Interested advertisers can now download the current media data at and secure a place in the fall issue, which will be published at the beginning of this year.


Photo © Atstock Productions, AdobeStock

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