Opening of the central emergency room at the Barbara Clinic

One year later than planned, the Central Emergency Department (ZNA), the KVWL emergency practice, six new operating theatres, the Clinic for Internal Medicine of Gastroenterology and Dr. Ulrich Tappe's practice are to be opened. The project comprises 5000 square meters of floor space. Initial simulations are already underway.

Project manager Dirk Wiese explained that minor problems and a fire in January led to delays. The construction work is almost complete, with only the remaining work still to be done. Short distances for staff and patients were a key criterion.

The triage room enables treatment according to urgency. A treatment room, individual treatment rooms, a chest pain unit, patient rooms and a monitoring station are available. The distances for ambulance patients are short, and a wide roof ensures that patients enter the building dry.

The emergency practice is due to open at the end of august and the emergency room shortly afterwards. In the new operating theatres, attention has been paid to short distances and optimized processes. In September, 50 to 60 employees will be working here, followed by the gastroenterology department in the basement at the end of September.

With a total of twelve operating theaters, the Barbara-Klinik is well equipped for the future. The project cost around 60 million euros, almost ten million of which was subsidized. In addition to the functional wing, a new ward block and wards for urology and oncology were also built.

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