Construction of the "Campus St. Theresia" begins

Construction of the "Campus St. Theresia" will begin in a few days, as announced by the diocese of Münster. The profaned St. Theresia church and the former rectory near Heessener Straße will be demolished to make room for a modern daycare center and parish home for the Catholic parish of Pope John.

The church served as a file storage facility for the Higher Regional Court for twelve years. Pastor Christoph Gerdemann emphasizes: "We want to create places where community and lived faith have their place."

The plans for the campus were presented back in March 2023. The "Seniorenheim St. Stephanus gGmbH", founded by the parish, will act as the investor. The new, two-storey daycare center meets current educational and energy standards. The bell tower of the old church will be retained in the new building. The architects "Fritzen + Müller-Giebler" created the design, which includes multifunctional rooms for the parish and children's and family facilities.

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