876,000 euros for Heessen: road renovations in 2024/25

The city of Hamm is planning 10.3 million euros for road renovations over the next two years, including 876,000 euros for nine projects in Heessen.

Heessen - Despite considerable funding, only Bockum-Hövel is seeing less investment. This is due to the fact that no major projects are planned in Heessen. A large proportion of the funds will flow into the north of Hamm.

Three of the nine projects in Heessen are due to start this year. The long-awaited renewal of the road surface on Im Landwehrwinkel, for which 72,000 euros have been earmarked, will begin in July.

Fährstraße will be closed for several months from July 8 to improve the traffic situation. 180,000 euros have been earmarked for this.

Another measure is the renewal of the Frielick road from October at a cost of 100,000 euros.

The renovation of Killwinkler Straße in June is planned for 2025 at a cost of 48,000 euros. Other projects include Heessener Straße (200,000 euros) and Münsterstraße (8,000 euros for the left-turn lane and work between Bockumer Weg and Nordenstiftsweg).

Two other projects concern farm roads: the Ennigerbergweg (150,000 euros) and the connecting path from Magnolienstraße to Habichtshöhe (70,000 euros).

A total of 63 refurbishment projects are to be implemented throughout Hamm by the end of 2025.

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